Who I am and Why I do this
I am AJ, I am a trans(gender – means my gender differs from my sex assignment at birth). My pronouns are They/Them. I am an Author, Educator, Speaker, Activist and Doula.
I am a fat, queer, dyslexic, autistic, empath with a huge heart. I’ve been described as lion hearted, an emotional and physical protector and a pain in the ass.
I love to cook, play guitar, kitchen disco’s, can stare at the sea for hours.
I’m married to a beautiful, kind, warm and compassionate (cis) man. We are parents to two small humans (10 & 7) they call me Bubba. One born in hospital in an overtly medicalised birth, the second at home into the water with no eyes or hands on us. I have a dog too, Princess Leia; the springer spaniel.
I am also healing from trauma, physical and emotional violence and unlearning my many biases.
My first book Supporting Queer Birth was released in April 2022 and I hope to share my upcoming release details with you soon. I run workshops, give talks and have chaired panels on discussions surrounding LGBTQ+ competency.
I started The Queer Birth Club to help fill the void in LGBTQ+ competency in the UK, specifically in the perinatal period, covering both pregnancy, birth and lactation.